Okay, so my teacher for Research Writing is officially insane. He's awesome though. He likes to make fun of Kimber and I for believing in Sasquatch and such. So, today, w'ere in the computer lab to do research for our research papers. He comes back to our computers and picks up my Ipod and holds it up to his ear like a phone. "Hello, this is Sarah, from the Sasquatch magazine company. I am unable to answer the phone right now because I'm out in the woods somewhere chasing Sasquatch down. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks!" I love this guy! He's so random.
One day he wanted someone to pick "Necrophiliac Tendancies toward Sasquatch by Zombies" for their research paper. He likes to combine our topics and see which one sounds the best. "Should Sasquatch be Drug Tested to Apply for Welfare?" Haha, this guy is nuts.
One day he came running in to class...uhm...maybe ten minutes late or so. His hair was sticking up all over the place, his clothes were kinda disheveled, and flustered. He looks around at us (after having us in class three days a week every week for eleven weeks!) and asks: "What class is this?"
We reply: "Research Writing."
"Good. Wanted to make sure I'm not walking into Geometry or something. So, what are we studying?"
"Uh...are you okay?"
He was giving us examples one day of how our papers should answer a "why?" question.
"Before coming to class, I was heterophobic. Now I've made a heterosexual friend."
Where does he get his ideas for examples?!
Somebody mentioned one day about how tired he or she was. The teacher gasps and goes, "You're tired? Hey, I'm tired, too! I only got twelve hours of sleep last night!" That was also the day that he was telling us about how he couldn't wait for the Hallwoeen season to be over because he thought that he gained ten pounds on his butt from all of the Halloween candy that he had eaten within the two previous weeks.
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